Friday, April 24, 2015

Medical Illustrator

Medical Illustrator

Duties and Responsibilities: Medical illustrators are responsible for the creating a form of medical visuals in order to allow the patient’s to have a clear understanding of a medical disorder. They must create the mentioned specifically for the patient in a way that needs to be both informative but quite simple as well. With the help of art and few words the visual is able to come to life therefore serving its function. Medical illustrators may work in various places where their informational work may be needed.

Salary: Salary may range from $62,000-$100,000 on average per year.

Education: in order to be a practitioner one must complete the following courses; human gross anatomy, physiology, pathology, histology, neuroanatomy, embryology, and surgery. They must also have some form of raining before being certified. They will also need to have acquired photography skills as well as drawing skills.

Reflection: I would probably not even consider this as an option for me because of the fact that the need to be able to draw and create perfectly clear visuals all which I believe I would not be able to do.

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