Tuesday, April 14, 2015

world Records

World Records

One of the most fascinating records is held by a woman named Johanna Quaas. Johanna is an incredibly competitive gymnast whom has been practicing this her entire life. She is definitely not a normal competitor because it just so happens that Johanna is eighty-eight years of age. Her record was certified on April 12, 2012, during a competition in Italy when she was eighty-six years old.

 Another world record that I find to be incredibly amazing, is that of Svetlana Pankratova from Russia. This woman has the longest legs ever certified at 50.1 inches in Spain. Her record was broken on July 8, 2003. I happened to be fascinated by this record because it is something that I had never seen before. I would not necessarily be interested in breaking a record because I find no use to it. 

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