Friday, December 19, 2014

Final Part 2

A. What I have really enjoyed about this class would be the learning and understanding of things that make us better people in all aspects of life. We are taught good from bad and that makes it easier to choose what is right. What I do not really enjoy about this class would be that sometimes we have to extend our typing tutor.

B. I believe that to improve this class we should be given additional free time. Another suggestion would be the extension of time reading our life planning books.

C. I have done my best and nothing less in this class as I do all of my work and I do not waste time fooling around.

D. I am reading my life planning book everyday. I do have to admit that in the beginning I was not too keen on writing my goals on a notebook in school but after I began to realize just how fun it is I just keep doing it all the time.

E. I am surely committed to being a CTR person because I have learned that there are many wonderful rewards in being a CTR person everyday. 

F. I promise to always do what is best for me for my Body-Mind-and spirit. Doing the right thing always will help me get there.

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