Friday, March 27, 2015

April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day

April fool’s day is a day where everyone can have a little fun by playing jokes on one another. April fool’s day is celebrated on the first day of April every year. The idea of April fool’s day began because in ancient cultures people celebrated the New Year on April the first. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar to be created, which is known as the “Gregorian calendar”. In the new calendar it stated that the New Year should be celebrated on January 1st. Many people supposedly refused to accept the new date of the New Year and kept celebrating during April 1st. As a form of making fun of them, others whom had already converted to the Gregorian calendar began making fun of those who hadn't and also began to trick them in order to have a good laugh specifically on that day. One of the pros of April fool’s day is that everyone can have some fun whether you are the prankster or the one who has the prank pulled on them. In contrast, one of the cons of this celebration is that some people may take it too far and go on and pull some really huge pranks that might sometimes result in someone getting hurt.

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